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ChiaraNociforo-Diamond-TOF-SuperFRS.pdf |
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7 MB |
2015-03-23 - 12:05 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Position-sensitive diamond detector prototype for the Super-FRS |
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Chiara_Nociforo-Super-FRS_tracking_detectors.pdf |
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4 MB |
2020-03-06 - 10:58 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Chiara_Nociforo-Super-FRS_tracking_detectors |
pdf |
Christoph_Caesar-Scintillating_Fiber_Tracker.pdf |
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9 MB |
2020-03-06 - 11:18 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Christoph_Caesar-Scintillating_Fiber_Tracker |
pdf |
FranciscoGarcia-GEM-TPC-SuperFRS.pdf |
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4 MB |
2015-03-23 - 12:07 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Status of GEM-TPC Developments – A tracking Detector for SuperFRS |
pdf |
Francisco_Garcia_GEM-TPCs.pdf |
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4 MB |
2011-10-31 - 12:14 |
PlamenSBoutachkov |
GEM-TPC development for the S-FRS Francisco Garcia (University of Helsinki) |
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GEM-TPC_F.Garcia_Feb2017.pdf |
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2 MB |
2017-03-07 - 08:50 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
GEM-TPC in twin configuration (HGB4) a tracking detector for the Super-FRS - Test beam results |
pdf |
Haik_Simon_Tracking_SFRS.pdf |
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2 MB |
2011-10-31 - 11:40 |
PlamenSBoutachkov |
Tracking for the Super-FRS, Haik Simon (GSI Darmstadt) |
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Ismael_Martel-HYDE.pdf |
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2 MB |
2011-10-31 - 12:14 |
PlamenSBoutachkov |
HYDE detector: status and perspectives. Ismael Martel (Universidad de Huelva) |
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JoaquinGomezCamacho_BegonaFernandez-SED.pdf |
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225 K |
2015-03-23 - 12:48 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
SED detectors for low energy heavy ion beam tracking |
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MCPs_M.Cappellazzo_Feb2017.pdf |
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1008 K |
2017-03-07 - 08:55 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
MCP development for the Slowed Down Beams |
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MUSIC-Detectors_J.Taieb_Feb2017.pdf |
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952 K |
2017-03-07 - 08:56 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
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MarioCappellazzo-SE-Yields.pdf |
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1 MB |
2015-03-23 - 12:49 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Investigation of new materials for higher secondary electron yields |
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MarthaLilianaCortes-FingerSCI-TOF.pdf |
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4 MB |
2015-03-23 - 12:59 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Scintillator tests at Cave C |
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Maxim_Saifulin-New_radiation_hard_fast_scintillator_for_heavy_ion_detection.pdf |
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2 MB |
2020-03-06 - 11:24 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Maxim_Saifulin-New_radiation_hard_fast_scintillator_for_heavy_ion_detection |
pdf |
Michael_Pfeir_SED-BPM.pdf |
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3 MB |
2011-10-31 - 12:15 |
PlamenSBoutachkov |
MCP progress Michael Pfeiffer (University of Cologne) |
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NEURAD_D.Kostyleva_Feb2017.pdf |
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925 K |
2017-03-07 - 08:56 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Tests of the neutron detector NEURAD of the EXPERT/SuperFRS experiment collaboration |
pdf |
NUSTAR2010_tracking_Overview.pdf |
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873 K |
2011-10-31 - 13:37 |
PlamenSBoutachkov |
Overview of the tracking detectors WG meeting |
pdf |
OlegKiselev-Si-TOF-SuperFRS.pdf |
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2 MB |
2015-03-23 - 12:59 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
TOF and tracking measurement with Si detectors for SuperFRS |
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Pavel_Golubev_LYCCA.pdf |
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15 MB |
2011-10-31 - 12:13 |
PlamenSBoutachkov |
Beam tracking with LYCCA, Pavel Golubev (LUND University) |
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Plamen_Boutachkov_Slowed_Down_Beams_Oct2010.pdf |
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858 K |
2011-10-31 - 13:37 |
PlamenSBoutachkov |
Results from the slowed down beam project at GSI, Plamen Boutachkov(GSI, Darmstadt) |
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SFRS-Si-TOF-detectors_O.Kiselev_Feb2017.pdf |
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1 MB |
2017-03-07 - 08:57 |
PlamenBoutachkov |
Fast timing Si for heavy ions - Super-FRS |
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Vladimir_Eremin_and_Oleg_KiselevSi_and_C_tracking_detectors.pdf |
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12 MB |
2011-10-31 - 12:13 |
PlamenSBoutachkov |
Si tracking detectors, Oleg Kiselev (GSI Darmstadt) |