Statistics for Main Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jul 2024 38342 0 0 16846 WebHome
16407 WebSearch
926 WebCreateNewTopic
133 WebStatistics
 77 UserListByDateJoined
 55 WikiUsers
 45 WebChanges
 38 WebIndex
 34 UserListByLocation
 34 WebTopicList
 33 NustarWikiIntroduction
Jun 2024 30629 0 0 18259 WebHome
4209 WebSearch
2388 WebCreateNewTopic
161 NustarWikiIntroduction
154 WikiUsers
136 WebTopicList
 76 UserListByDateJoined
 57 WebChanges
 52 WebStatistics
 50 HelmutWeick
 48 WebPreferences
May 2024 30807 2 0 20472 WebHome
1335 WebCreateNewTopic
1026 WebSearch
227 WebStatistics
223 WebChanges
212 NustarWikiIntroduction
200 WikiUsers
188 HelmutWeick
186 WebTopicList
182 WebNotify
161 UserListByDateJoined
  1 HelmutWeick
  1 RegistrationAgent
Apr 2024 26902 0 0 11746 WebHome
2863 WebCreateNewTopic
514 WebSearch
223 WebTopicList
216 WebStatistics
216 WikiUsers
170 WebNotify
146 WebChanges
137 UserListByDateJoined
126 UserListByLocation
113 UserList
Mar 2024 17995 7 0 11777 WebHome
834 WebCreateNewTopic
203 WebSearch
 90 UserListByDateJoined
 65 UserListByLocation
 63 WikiUsers
 52 WebChanges
 47 HelmutWeick
 41 WebStatistics
 38 NustarWikiIntroduction
 34 WebPreferences
  3 RegistrationAgent
  3 HelmutWeick
  1 MatthewBuckland
Feb 2024 12519 0 0 9822 WebHome
170 WebCreateNewTopic
125 WebSearch
 35 WikiUsers
 23 ZigaBrencic
 22 WebStatistics
 19 UserListByDateJoined
 19 TanakaYoshiki
 18 NustarWikiIntroduction
 17 GroupViewTemplate
 17 WebChanges
Jan 2024 16082 0 0 10490 WebHome
253 WebSearch
142 WebCreateNewTopic
 46 WebStatistics
 36 NustarWikiIntroduction
 33 WikiUsers
 31 UserListByDateJoined
 26 WebPreferences
 26 AdminUserLeftBar
 26 RegistrationAgent
 26 GroupViewTemplate
Dec 2023 43245 0 0 24271 ElektroWerkzeuge
11894 WebHome
789 WebCreateNewTopic
542 UserList
166 WebSearch
 50 WebChanges
 48 WebStatistics
 37 NustarWikiIntroduction
 32 VrujalKumari
 27 HelmutWeick
 26 PanduanTangkas
Nov 2023 15940 0 0 10173 WebHome
1098 WebCreateNewTopic
182 WebSearch
 43 WebChanges
 38 WebStatistics
 37 WebPreferences
 37 HelmutWeick
 34 WikiUsers
 33 Bom6Bom6
 32 NustarWikiIntroduction
 31 UserList
Oct 2023 17396 0 0 10430 WebHome
859 WebCreateNewTopic
118 WebSearch
 37 WebPreferences
 34 WebChanges
 32 NustarWikiIntroduction
 31 HelmutWeick
 27 WebTopicList
 25 WebStatistics
 25 HenningSchaffner
 24 AlexandreCharpy
Sep 2023 14644 2 0 10052 WebHome
1110 WebCreateNewTopic
 60 WebSearch
 28 WebPreferences
 25 WebIndex
 25 TanakaYoshiki
 22 NustarWikiIntroduction
 21 WebStatistics
 20 HelmutWeick
 20 MiaDavis
 20 WikiUsers
  1 RegistrationAgent
  1 HelmutWeick
Aug 2023 15956 0 0 10355 WebHome
460 WebCreateNewTopic
 55 WebSearch
 27 WebChanges
 26 WebPreferences
 26 ErikaKazantseva
 25 WebIndex
 23 CoinTogel
 23 HelmutWeick
 22 NustarTrackingGroup
 21 WebStatistics
Jul 2023 12889 0 0 10404 WebHome
514 WebCreateNewTopic
 65 WebSearch
 38 WebChanges
 33 SvenLoechner
 33 EdanaMerchan
 30 CoinTogel
 25 CarWaydayanal
 25 KakaKaka
 23 WikiUsers
 21 WebPreferences
Jun 2023 18695 0 0 10161 WebHome
1965 WebCreateNewTopic
455 GillesWittwer
 75 WebSearch
 62 Bom3Vu
 52 CarWaydayanal
 50 WebChanges
 48 NustarWikiIntroduction
 47 WebIndex
 47 EdanaMerchan
 46 UserList
May 2023 20483 0 0 10239 WebHome
2614 WebCreateNewTopic
140 UserListByDateJoined
127 UserList
120 UserListByLocation
 99 WebChanges
 81 WebStatistics
 59 WebSearch
 51 WebIndex
 47 FederkernMatratze
 46 VrujalKumari
Apr 2023 14659 2 0 9972 WebHome
1015 WebCreateNewTopic
 89 WebSearch
 42 WebChanges
 34 HelmutWeick
 33 WebIndex
 31 SvenLoechner
 31 NustarWikiIntroduction
 28 UserList
 26 WebStatistics
 24 WikiUsers
  1 RegistrationAgent
  1 HelmutWeick
Mar 2023 14840 0 0 10551 WebHome
1114 WebCreateNewTopic
102 WebSearch
 42 SvenLoechner
 41 EdanaMerchan
 41 MarthaLilianaCortes
 35 WebIndex
 35 CarWaydayanal
 32 HeikoScheit
 31 HooiJinOng
 30 ZhongLiu
Feb 2023 16026 0 0 9738 WebHome
1595 WebCreateNewTopic
 80 WebSearch
 75 WikiUsers
 40 WebChanges
 37 WebIndex
 36 WolfgangPlass
 34 WebStatistics
 33 ChristopheRappold
 31 AlexandreCharpy
 31 HelmutWeick
Jan 2023 20894 2 0 10597 WebHome
2232 WebCreateNewTopic
132 UserListByDateJoined
125 UserListByLocation
116 UserList
 89 WebSearch
 89 WebChanges
 82 WebStatistics
 63 NustarDaqGroup
 59 WebIndex
 53 ElektroWerkzeuge
  2 ZhuangGe
Dec 2022 14212 1 0 6783 WebHome
1815 WebCreateNewTopic
106 WebSearch
 61 WebStatistics
 49 WebIndex
 47 UserListByLocation
 41 WebChanges
 40 HelmutWeick
 37 UserListByDateJoined
 33 NustarDaqGroup
 32 WolfgangPlass
  1 MMajidRaufChishti
Nov 2022 9734 0 0 1935 WebHome
1534 WebCreateNewTopic
489 JavierVignote
107 WebSearch
 50 WebChanges
 47 WebStatistics
 42 UserListByLocation
 33 HelmutWeick
 31 WebIndex
 31 ChristopheRappold
 29 MarilenaTomut
Oct 2022 8370 0 0 2134 WebHome
810 WebCreateNewTopic
 77 WebSearch
 63 WebStatistics
 60 MarthaLilianaCortes
 55 HeikoScheit
 48 DieterAckermann
 47 WebChanges
 42 AlexandreCharpy
 40 WebIndex
 36 HenningSchaffner
Sep 2022 14460 2 0 2239 WebCreateNewTopic
2004 WebHome
167 UserListByLocation
166 WebSearch
133 UserListByDateJoined
116 WebStatistics
115 UserList
 80 WebChanges
 79 SuSchadmand
 77 MarthaLilianaCortes
 70 EdanaMerchan
  1 RegistrationAgent
  1 HelmutWeick
Aug 2022 12076 0 0 2273 WebHome
1453 WebCreateNewTopic
225 WebSearch
146 TaylanYetkin
 95 WebStatistics
 70 MichelLindemulder
 69 UserListByLocation
 66 DmitryChechenev
 66 KentaItahashi
 64 HenningSchaffner
 63 MarilenaTomut
Jul 2022 10567 0 0 2122 WebHome
1799 WebCreateNewTopic
358 SuSchadmand
255 WebSearch
135 TaylanYetkin
 78 WebStatistics
 67 MichelLindemulder
 63 UserListByLocation
 62 DmitryChechenev
 57 MarilenaTomut
 56 HenningSchaffner
Jun 2022 10371 12 0 2225 WebHome
1628 WebCreateNewTopic
265 WebSearch
162 SuSchadmand
 78 WebStatistics
 72 UserListByLocation
 66 EdanaMerchan
 64 KentaItahashi
 64 AlexandreCharpy
 61 MarthaLilianaCortes
 61 SiglindRaiss
  6 HelmutWeick
  6 RegistrationAgent
May 2022 14067 13 0 2742 WebCreateNewTopic
2099 WebHome
220 WebSearch
178 SuSchadmand
135 UserListByLocation
133 UserListByDateJoined
123 UserList
108 WebStatistics
102 WebChanges
 60 WebIndex
 55 NustarDaqGroup
  5 AlexanderHerlert
  4 HelmutWeick
  3 StefanosPaschalis
  1 RegistrationAgent
Apr 2022 7779 5 0 1948 WebHome
1520 WebCreateNewTopic
 76 WebSearch
 47 WebStatistics
 46 WebChanges
 42 WebIndex
 39 WikiUsers
 29 HelmutWeick
 27 LuiseDoerschingSteitz
 26 NustarWikiIntroduction
 23 UserListByDateJoined
  2 HelmutWeick
  2 RegistrationAgent
  1 DanielFernandezRuiz
Mar 2022 8574 0 0 2009 WebCreateNewTopic
1880 WebHome
 56 WebIndex
 45 WebSearch
 39 WebStatistics
 35 WebChanges
 32 UserListByLocation
 28 HelmutWeick
 24 WebNotify
 24 UserList
 24 MarilenaTomut
Feb 2022 12576 4 0 2510 WebCreateNewTopic
1909 WebHome
144 UserListByLocation
139 UserListByDateJoined
130 UserList
114 WebStatistics
102 WebChanges
 86 WebIndex
 65 HelmutWeick
 59 WebSearch
 52 ElektroWerkzeuge
  2 HelmutWeick
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Jan 2022 6915 0 0 1400 WebHome
1287 WebCreateNewTopic
 48 WebSearch
 44 WebStatistics
 39 WebChanges
 38 WebIndex
 33 WebNotify
 29 WikiUsers
 28 HelmutWeick
 26 WebPreferences
 26 WolfgangPlass
Dec 2021 7897 0 0 2073 WebCreateNewTopic
1806 WebHome
140 CaraMainTogelOnline
108 WebSearch
 78 WikiGroups
 69 WikiUsers
 60 WebStatistics
 46 OlofTengblad
 45 AndrejProchazka
 36 DanielRNapoli
 34 HelmutWeick
Nov 2021 7547 0 0 1773 WebHome
1455 WebCreateNewTopic
 59 WebStatistics
 52 WikiUsers
 47 WebSearch
 47 LondonOffice
 42 HelmutWeick
 42 WikiGroups
 34 SiglindRaiss
 30 KarlHeinzBehr
 29 WebChanges
Oct 2021 10212 0 0 2275 WebCreateNewTopic
1856 WebHome
 92 WikiUsers
 89 WebSearch
 56 NustarDaqGroup
 55 WebStatistics
 53 AdminGroup
 41 WikiGroups
 39 HelmutWeick
 39 NustarCalorimeterGroup
 37 FrankHerfurth
Sep 2021 10861 0 0 2062 WebHome
1321 WebCreateNewTopic
855 WebSearch
503 WikiUsers
117 NustarDaqGroup
 80 WebStatistics
 58 NustarFrsGroup
 47 NustarSuperFRSGroup
 47 HelmutWeick
 46 ChristineHornung
 42 NustarCalorimeterGroup
Aug 2021 9507 2 0 2153 WebHome
680 WebSearch
410 WebCreateNewTopic
400 WikiUsers
 79 WebStatistics
 58 NustarDaqGroup
 50 NustarFrsGroup
 44 WebChanges
 39 WebNotify
 38 ChristineHornung
 35 LondonOffice
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Jul 2021 8024 0 0 1925 WebHome
1202 WebCreateNewTopic
1036 WebSearch
 82 WikiUsers
 75 WebIndex
 57 WikiGroups
 43 GrandmasterCatteFeed
 42 YaserElshafey
 40 WebStatistics
 35 AndreasHeinz
 33 NustarFrsGroup
Jun 2021 8082 0 0 1838 WebHome
763 WebIndex
406 WebCreateNewTopic
326 WebSearch
214 WikiUsers
 91 NustarDaqGroup
 89 WebStatistics
 63 NustarFrsGroup
 36 EXLEditorGroup
 35 WebChanges
 35 WikiGroups
May 2021 9875 2 0 1692 WebHome
1682 WebSearch
1392 WebCreateNewTopic
243 WikiUsers
239 WebIndex
 60 WebStatistics
 42 WikiGroups
 39 WebPreferences
 37 JacoboCal
 36 WebChanges
 31 HelmutWeick
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Apr 2021 11571 0 0 1082 WebHome
1011 WebSearch
845 WebCreateNewTopic
753 WebIndex
152 WikiUsers
117 WebStatistics
 69 WikiGroups
 68 WebChanges
 63 EXLEditorGroup
 58 WebNotify
 53 BeritaBola
Mar 2021 7442 6 0 1269 WebCreateNewTopic
1171 WebHome
332 WebIndex
 62 WikiGroups
 50 WebStatistics
 48 WebSearch
 39 NustarFrsGroup
 34 WikiUsers
 32 WebChanges
 32 AdminGroup
 25 BranislavS
  3 WikiGuest
  3 RegistrationAgent
Feb 2021 7170 0 0 830 WebCreateNewTopic
768 WebHome
244 WebIndex
217 WebSearch
 90 WikiGroups
 86 WikiUsers
 78 WebStatistics
 64 WebChanges
 57 WebNotify
 29 WebTopicList
 28 BeritaBola
Jan 2021 5026 0 0 933 WebHome
411 WebIndex
293 WikiUsers
266 WebCreateNewTopic
 88 WebStatistics
 72 WebSearch
 61 WikiGroups
 52 WebChanges
 45 WebNotify
 42 WebTopicList
 41 BeritaBola
Dec 2020 9404 2 0 1069 WebCreateNewTopic
954 WebHome
517 WebIndex
171 WikiUsers
169 WebStatistics
 80 WebSearch
 50 WebChanges
 50 WikiGroups
 47 BeritaBola
 43 WebNotify
 41 NustarDaqGroup
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Nov 2020 5315 1 0 1047 WebHome
265 WebCreateNewTopic
219 WebIndex
162 WikiUsers
147 WebStatistics
 61 WebSearch
 53 WebChanges
 53 PokerPanduan
 52 CoinTogel
 40 WebNotify
 35 CaraPoker
  1 NataliaKuzminchuk
Oct 2020 7630 0 0 1342 WebSearch
1163 WebHome
923 WebCreateNewTopic
367 WebStatistics
341 WikiUsers
 49 WebIndex
 48 NustarDaqGroup
 39 BeritaBola
 34 NustarFrsGroup
 33 WebChanges
 32 PlamenSBoutachkov
Sep 2020 9284 19 0 1802 WebSearch
1262 WebHome
1200 WebCreateNewTopic
777 WikiUsers
 76 WebIndex
 41 Mbl65146Mbl65146
 41 GrandmasterCatteFeed
 39 CaraPoker
 39 YaserElshafey
 34 NustarFrsGroup
 31 WikiGroups
 18 HelmutWeick
  1 RegistrationAgent
Aug 2020 10650 46 0 1215 WebCreateNewTopic
1121 WebHome
868 WebSearch
357 WebStatistics
207 WikiUsers
 95 WebIndex
 52 NustarDaqGroup
 52 Spider2672019Spider2672019
 49 Spider1682019Spider1682019
 48 GrandmasterCatteFeed
 45 NustarFrsGroup
 21 HelmutWeick
  8 RegistrationAgent
  6 AdminUser
  6 WikiGuest
  1 WikicalanthaWikicalantha
  1 Anina69Anina69
  1 DaveDavid
  1 Mbl65146Mbl65146
  1 AlexIn
Jul 2020 11150 13 0 1587 WebCreateNewTopic
882 WebHome
119 WebSearch
111 WebIndex
102 WebStatistics
 92 WikiUsers
 61 NustarFrsGroup
 57 PanduanPoker
 56 WebChanges
 53 HelmutWeick
 53 YaserElshafey
  4 WikiGuest
  4 RegistrationAgent
  2 OhamtaOhamta
  1 HelmutWeick
  1 AdrianoDaSilva
  1 RafaelxRafaelx
Jun 2020 8222 17 0 1762 WebCreateNewTopic
1035 WebSearch
750 WebHome
590 WikiUsers
 94 GrandmasterCatteFeed
 88 WebIndex
 57 YaserElshafey
 33 NustarFrsGroup
 32 RemasH
 32 WebStatistics
 29 WikiGroups
  5 WikiGuest
  5 RegistrationAgent
  3 HelmutWeick
  2 AgenSlotOnlineTerpercaya
  1 ParkboyoungParkboyoung
  1 Neymar92Neymar92
May 2020 7593 34 0 1258 WebCreateNewTopic
1069 WebHome
294 YaserElshafey
201 WebSearch
159 WebIndex
137 GrandmasterCatteFeed
 80 NustarDaqGroup
 80 WikiUsers
 70 WebStatistics
 46 WebChanges
 36 RemasH
  9 HelmutWeick
  8 WikiGuest
  8 RegistrationAgent
  3 AmiJipu
  2 AuliaTravelMedan
  2 TourDanauToba
  1 VangvomotVangvomot
  1 JamesRise
Apr 2020 11694 20 0 4848 WebHome
811 WebCreateNewTopic
136 WebIndex
123 YaserElshafey
 97 WikiUsers
 54 WebSearch
 51 PanduanPoker
 49 WebStatistics
 48 NustarFrsGroup
 44 BeritaBola
 32 Spider1682019Spider1682019
  6 WikiGuest
  6 RegistrationAgent
  4 HelmutWeick
  1 CaraBolaTangkas
  1 WebsitePoker
  1 CaraPoker
  1 InformasiPoker
Mar 2020 15180 56 0 9156 WebHome
1056 WebSearch
737 WebCreateNewTopic
155 WebIndex
 63 NustarDaqGroup
 60 WikiUsers
 56 WebChanges
 38 WebNotify
 34 Spider1682019Spider1682019
 34 DenisBertini
 34 WikiGroups
 13 RegistrationAgent
 12 HelmutWeick
 12 WikiGuest
  4 AgenJoker123
  4 PanduanPoker
  3 BandarSlot
  2 MetodeTangkas
  1 SlotTerpercaya
  1 DaftarPoker
  1 MaiangiMaiangi
  1 PanduanTangkas
Feb 2020 13193 45 0 8786 WebHome
927 WebSearch
803 WebCreateNewTopic
149 WebIndex
 53 WikiUsers
 32 Spider2672019Spider2672019
 25 Spider1682019Spider1682019
 23 JustinHinlke
 20 JanKurcewicz
 19 AleksandraKelicHeil
 18 BeritaBola
 11 WikiGuest
 11 RegistrationAgent
  8 HelmutWeick
  5 DevstringxTechnologies
  2 ChesaLyn
  2 JackWilliams
  1 TobyTheo
  1 Spider2722020Spider2722020
  1 JulianFoster
  1 CaraMainTogelOnline
  1 Spider1722020Spider1722020
Jan 2020 14459 20 0 9334 WebHome
909 WebCreateNewTopic
870 WebSearch
156 WebIndex
121 WikiUsers
 48 WebNotify
 47 MarthaLilianaCortes
 42 DamianRalet
 39 WebChanges
 34 Spider1682019Spider1682019
 31 Spider2672019Spider2672019
  6 WikiGuest
  6 RegistrationAgent
  3 HelmutWeick
  2 MariaGarcia
  1 WikiAlex
  1 JuanCarlos
  1 MikeJones
Dec 2019 17854 21 0 9744 WebHome
1851 WikiUsers
1674 WebSearch
1060 WebCreateNewTopic
 95 WebIndex
 48 NustarFrsGroup
 41 MichaelHeil
 30 StephanePietri
 27 NustarDaqGroup
 26 ProjectContributor
 24 PeterThoeny
  7 WikiGuest
  7 RegistrationAgent
  3 GrandmasterCatteFeed
  1 EliBeth
  1 CoinTogel
  1 FinnJordan
  1 AreaDomino
Nov 2019 15715 60 1 8439 WebHome
869 WikiUsers
514 WebCreateNewTopic
173 TWikiVariables
 83 NustarDaqGroup
 73 WebStatistics
 73 WebIndex
 58 VrujalKumari
 57 WebNotify
 52 TaanyaRawat
 48 WebChanges
 15 WikiGuest
 15 RegistrationAgent
 13 HelmutWeick
  3 JeewanGarg
  2 RoyWilliam
  2 VrujalKumari
  2 NexusupsNexusups
  1 ServoStabilizer
  1 SaraDavis
  1 KuyungGanteng
  1 JurusQQ
Oct 2019 15696 29 0 9468 WebHome
861 WebSearch
814 WebCreateNewTopic
743 WikiUsers
 89 VictorPucknell
 64 BertaRubio
 62 JustynaMarganiec
 49 NustarDaqGroup
 43 AlexanderHerlert
 41 WebStatistics
 39 TaanyaRawat
  8 WikiGuest
  8 RegistrationAgent
  7 HelmutWeick
  2 AnitaGarg
  2 KalyanJewellers
  1 KioShin
  1 Bom6Bom6
Sep 2019 19668 9 0 12291 WebHome
853 WebCreateNewTopic
203 RoyLemmon
179 TWikiVariables
168 AlessiaMartine
168 MaxWinkel
163 WikiUsers
131 NikolausKurz
102 EugenMomper
 98 LilianaCortes
 88 WebSearch
  3 WikiGuest
  3 RegistrationAgent
  2 KalyanDevelopers
  1 Spider592019Spider592019
Aug 2019 14220 11 0 9763 WebHome
721 WebSearch
296 WebCreateNewTopic
 61 WikiUsers
 49 MarcLabiche
 46 RackScoopay
 41 NustarFrsGroup
 38 JohnNB
 36 TaanyaRawat
 36 BastianLoeher
 30 BeritaBola
  4 WikiGuest
  4 RegistrationAgent
  1 JustinHinlke
  1 Spider1682019Spider1682019
  1 Bom3Vu
Jul 2019 16415 29 0 10986 WebHome
349 WebCreateNewTopic
135 WebSearch
 63 NustarFrsGroup
 60 WikiUsers
 54 WebChanges
 49 WebStatistics
 41 TaanyaRawat
 35 AhmedadhamAhmed
 34 BeritaBola
 34 ErikaKazantseva
  6 HelmutWeick
  6 WikiGuest
  6 RegistrationAgent
  5 AshwiniR
  2 Spider2672019Spider2672019
  2 MiaDavis
  1 RutHamCauTanBinh
  1 Spider872019Spider872019
Jun 2019 16482 11 0 9098 WebHome
716 WebCreateNewTopic
161 WebSearch
128 WebIndex
120 NustarDaqGroup
 77 WikiUsers
 54 WebNotify
 53 WebChanges
 46 WebStatistics
 45 TaanyaRawat
 45 BeritaBola
  3 HelmutWeick
  3 WikiGuest
  3 RegistrationAgent
  1 AlessiaMartine
  1 Spider1362019Spider1362019
May 2019 16467 3 0 9432 WebHome
623 WebCreateNewTopic
204 BeritaBola
187 WebIndex
 83 WebSearch
 73 WebChanges
 70 WikiUsers
 57 LowonganKerjaTerbaru
 53 AtqwaAli
 52 WebStatistics
 45 JanPaulHucka
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
  1 KakaKaka
Apr 2019 13876 6 0 9122 WebHome
194 WebIndex
113 WebSearch
 82 WebCreateNewTopic
 58 BeritaBola
 42 WebChanges
 39 GroupTemplate
 33 TaanyaRawat
 33 WikiGroups
 33 MartinWinkler
 31 PavDet
  2 HelmutWeick
  2 ManishManral
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Mar 2019 11042 2 0 5128 WebHome
300 WebSearch
165 WebIndex
144 WebCreateNewTopic
 61 WikiUsers
 46 WebChanges
 43 ProjectContributor
 41 SudiptaSaha
 41 ChristopherHuhn
 40 HelmutTest
 38 AlexanderHerlert
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Feb 2019 18015 4 0 8391 WebHome
480 WebCreateNewTopic
173 MartinWinkler
141 WebSearch
 86 WebStatistics
 75 RiteshKshetri
 73 EXLEditorGroup
 72 BeritaBola
 68 NustarWikiIntroduction
 66 NustarFrsGroup
 63 NustarSuperFRSGroup
  2 WikiGuest
  2 RegistrationAgent
Jan 2019 14831 4 0 8988 WebHome
 86 WikiUsers
 85 WebCreateNewTopic
 69 WebSearch
 63 HelmutWeick
 62 WebIndex
 55 WebChanges
 50 AudreyChatillon
 49 AndreaHorvat
 48 NustarWikiIntroduction
 45 NustarCalorimeterGroup
  2 HelmutWeick
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Dec 2018 17039 6 0 9308 WebHome
509 WebCreateNewTopic
304 WebSearch
156 WebHome_Foswiki_org
113 RiteshKshetri
 95 WebIndex
 67 WikiUsers
 61 ManfredMutterer
 61 HelmutWeick
 56 ElektroWerkzeuge
 54 WebChanges
  2 WikiGuest
  2 RegistrationAgent
  1 ClintonJClinton
  1 MinkyPham
Nov 2018 18477 23 0 9169 WebHome
297 WikiUsers
171 WebCreateNewTopic
131 WebTopicEditTemplate
115 WebIndex
110 WebSearch
105 AnnaBreidert
102 WebChanges
 98 SitePreferences
 92 RiteshKshetri
 91 MichelHowards
  5 HelmutWeick
  5 WikiGuest
  5 RegistrationAgent
  3 SandRose
  1 BlueSky
  1 LowonganKerjaTerbaru
  1 AshieZsky
  1 DavidSpen
  1 RogerFloyd
Oct 2018 19913 18 0 9644 WebHome
730 WebCreateNewTopic
124 WebIndex
108 WebPreferences
101 RThreeBEditorGroup
 99 GeorgeJG
 90 WebStatistics
 90 MartinWinkler
 90 WebTopicEditTemplate
 86 FederkernMatratze
 84 AnnaBreidert
  7 HelmutWeick
  5 WikiGuest
  5 RegistrationAgent
  1 AdavanaAdavana
Sep 2018 18048 12 0 10323 WebHome
466 WebCreateNewTopic
265 NustarDaqGroup
176 AliNajafi
150 SarveshSarang
137 FarazAmjad
134 MichaelPfeiffer
125 WebIndex
109 UserList
102 TWikiVariables
 98 MartinWinkler
  3 HelmutWeick
  3 WikiGuest
  3 RegistrationAgent
  1 DokterLambung
  1 MarypiperMarypiper
  1 AliceShine
Aug 2018 26575 4 0 12440 WebHome
1756 NustarDaqGroup
942 WebHome_Foswiki_org
792 WebCreateNewTopic
671 TWikiVariables
476 WebNotify_Foswiki_org
196 ManfredMutterer
194 CesarDomingo
189 EXLEditorGroup
173 SitePreferences
149 ProjectContributor
  1 RapidityBeys
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
  1 LioZonefer
Jul 2018 16514 14 0 4795 WebHome
923 WikiUsers
735 NustarDaqGroup
418 WebCreateNewTopic
415 RiteshKshetri
299 NustarR3BGroup
195 WebSearch
121 WebIndex
112 NustarFrsGroup
 99 NustarSimulationGroup
 88 EXLEditorGroup
  9 HelmutWeick
  2 WikiGuest
  2 RegistrationAgent
  1 BeritaBola
Jun 2018 24363 9 0 9974 WebHome
1273 WikiUsers
1154 WebCreateNewTopic
925 WebSearch
755 NustarDaqGroup
122 WebNotify
118 NustarFrsGroup
 98 EXLEditorGroup
 95 NustarSimulationGroup
 92 WebIndex
 90 NustarIlimaGroup
  3 WikiGuest
  3 RegistrationAgent
  1 LautCakep
  1 HelmutWeick
  1 JasaSEO
May 2018 19158 3 0 9750 WebHome
728 WebCreateNewTopic
545 NustarDaqGroup
130 WikiUsers
124 WebSearch
105 NustarPictures
104 WebIndex
102 WebNotify
 93 NustarFrsGroup
 93 SoenkeBeck
 89 NustarIlimaGroup
  1 AdminUser
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Apr 2018 19245 5 0 9272 WebHome
738 WebCreateNewTopic
515 NustarDaqGroup
121 WebSearch
114 NustarSimulationGroup
110 EXLEditorGroup
109 NustarFrsGroup
103 WikiUsers
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Mar 2018 20292 6 0 9867 WebHome
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751 WebCreateNewTopic
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Feb 2018 14305 14 0 2694 WebHome
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Jan 2018 20480 2 0 1691 WebCreateNewTopic
782 WebHome
586 NustarDaqGroup
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206 NustarSuperFRSGroup
203 WikiUsers
161 AdminGroup
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Dec 2017 18372 7 0 1459 WebCreateNewTopic
650 WebHome
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199 WikiUsers
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Nov 2017 9912 0 0 1145 WebHome
728 WebCreateNewTopic
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Oct 2017 9857 2 0 1053 WebCreateNewTopic
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Sep 2017 3947 14 0 523 WebHome
193 WebCreateNewTopic
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Aug 2017 3200 2 0 701 WebHome
225 WebSearch
114 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jul 2017 9561 17 0 2999 WikiUsers
867 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jun 2017 4651 8 0 732 WebHome
480 WebCreateNewTopic
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May 2017 4365 0 0 699 WebHome
477 WebCreateNewTopic
270 WebSearch
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Apr 2017 4751 0 0 600 WebHome
226 WebCreateNewTopic
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Mar 2017 5618 2 0 710 WebHome
505 WebCreateNewTopic
276 WebSearch
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Feb 2017 4218 1 0 632 WebHome
154 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jan 2017 3223 0 0 575 WebHome
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Dec 2016 4929 2 0 485 WebHome
126 WebSearch
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Nov 2016 7288 0 0 794 WebHome
540 WebCreateNewTopic
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113 WikiUsers
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Oct 2016 4590 8 0 650 WebHome
209 WebStatistics
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Sep 2016 3362 0 0 602 WebIndex
419 WebHome
101 WebCreateNewTopic
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Aug 2016 10445 8 0 1936 WebIndex
569 WebHome
514 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jul 2016 2689 0 0 349 WebHome
149 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jun 2016 6336 6 0 492 WebCreateNewTopic
470 WebHome
156 RemasH
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May 2016 2861 13 0 415 WebCreateNewTopic
343 WebHome
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Apr 2016 6275 11 0 900 WebHome
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Mar 2016 4408 6 0 1072 WikiUsers
571 WebHome
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Feb 2016 7689 10 0 897 WebCreateNewTopic
420 WebHome
277 RemasH
166 WikiUsers
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Jan 2016 3660 0 0 551 WebHome
373 RemasH
291 WebCreateNewTopic
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Dec 2015 3119 0 0 370 RemasH
324 WebHome
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Nov 2015 2545 0 0 298 WebHome
225 RemasH
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Oct 2015 3846 0 0 454 WebHome
344 RemasH
323 WebCreateNewTopic
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Sep 2015 5835 6 0 2003 WikiUsers
445 WebHome
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223 RemasH
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Aug 2015 4427 0 0 989 WikiUsers
411 WebHome
313 RemasH
273 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jul 2015 2530 0 0 428 RemasH
363 WebHome
151 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jun 2015 2188 4 0 413 WebHome
303 WebCreateNewTopic
273 RemasH
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May 2015 2443 0 0 463 WebHome
378 RemasH
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Apr 2015 2354 0 0 485 WebHome
338 RemasH
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Mar 2015 2010 6 0 470 WebHome
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Feb 2015 4476 2 0 2924 WikiUsers
361 WebHome
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Jan 2015 1834 0 0 341 WebHome
153 WebCreateNewTopic
105 WikiUsers
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 13 MatthiasLieb
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Dec 2014 1663 2 0 354 WebHome
195 WikiUsers
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Nov 2014 2180 2 0 306 WebHome
254 WikiUsers
154 WebCreateNewTopic
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Oct 2014 2545 0 0 275 WebHome
270 WebCreateNewTopic
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Sep 2014 2374 1 0 337 WebHome
265 WebCreateNewTopic
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Aug 2014 4968 0 0 1319 WebIndex
575 WebSearch
354 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jul 2014 10548 5 0 1739 WebIndex
1711 WebSearch
350 WebHome
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134 CarWaydayanal
128 FarazAmjad
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May 2014 1517 4 0 220 WebCreateNewTopic
184 WebHome
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Apr 2014 1398 4 0 318 WebHome
119 WebCreateNewTopic
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Feb 2014 5 0 0   5 WebHome  
Jan 2014 156 12 0  56 WebHome
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Dec 2013 17 0 0  12 WebHome
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Nov 2013 11738 0 0 1883 WebHome
1541 WebIndex
1518 WebChanges
995 GeorgeJG
726 WebSearch
652 CharlesLL
599 FarazAmjad
434 CarWaydayanal
277 HelmutWeick
208 BradleyOV
177 OfficeLocations
Oct 2013 1102 14 0 229 WebRss
223 WebHome
159 Macros
100 WikiUsers
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 23 JohnWinfield
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 15 HelmutWeick
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Sep 2013 2059 15 0 215 WebRss
160 Macros
139 WebHome
124 WikiUsers
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 17 MichaelBendel
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 14 BenPietras
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Aug 2013 3219 6 0 281 Macros
233 WebRss
195 WikiUsers
177 WebHome
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 13 TomAumann
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Jul 2013 3022 4 0 289 Macros
218 WikiUsers
213 WebRss
188 WebHome
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 14 TomAumann
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 12 RoyLemmon
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Jun 2013 947 8 0 222 WebRss
184 WebHome
156 Macros
113 WikiUsers
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  7 HansEssel
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May 2013 4564 12 0 1301 Macros
508 WikiUsers
240 WebRss
193 WebHome
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 20 JuliaJungmann
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Apr 2013 4749 34 0 606 Macros
247 WebRss
243 WikiUsers
190 WebHome
113 NustarDaqGroup
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Mar 2013 5001 48 0 357 WebRss
317 Macros
281 WebHome
163 NustarDaqGroup
120 WikiUsers
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Feb 2013 6659 34 0 244 WebRss
209 WebHome
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179 WikiUsers
161 WikiGuest
115 OfficeLocations
105 WebStatistics
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Jan 2013 5370 50 0 281 WebHome
273 WebRss
160 NustarDaqGroup
129 WikiUsers
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Dec 2012 11631 83 0 533 WebHome
486 WikiUsers
390 WikiGroups
382 WebSearch
320 WebPreferences
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271 WebChanges
256 WikiGuest
255 WebRss
220 Macros
113 NustarDaqGroup
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Nov 2012 39141 47 0 1925 WikiUsers
1789 WikiGroups
1462 WebHome
1387 WebSearch
1361 WebPreferences
1157 WikiGuest
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1009 WebChanges
335 HelmutWeick
287 IsmaelMartel
265 HansEssel
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Oct 2012 11901 29 0 679 WikiUsers
539 WebHome
538 WikiGroups
326 WebChanges
300 WebIndex
296 WebSearch
276 WebPreferences
225 WikiGuest
131 AlbertoPullia
125 HeinrichWortche
112 IsmaelMartel
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Sep 2012 2385 17 0 392 WebHome
137 WikiUsers
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Aug 2012 1096 31 0 417 WebHome
225 WebRss
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Jul 2012 1903 42 0 798 WebHome
247 WebRss
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  9 MicheleMarta
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Jun 2012 1642 58 0 594 WebHome
122 WebRss
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May 2012 2920 91 0 941 WebHome
116 WikiUsers
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 27 AnnaBreidert
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Apr 2012 20547 122 0 6760 WebIndex
4935 WikiUsers
2101 GroupTemplate
854 WebHome
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232 WebPreferences
162 OfficeLocations
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116 WikiGuest
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Mar 2012 7715 302 0 1726 WebIndex
989 WebHome
812 WikiUsers
360 WebRss
177 GroupTemplate
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Feb 2012 11130 253 0 2950 WebIndex
1099 WebHome
756 WikiUsers
249 WebRss
207 WebPreferences
160 GroupTemplate
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123 WebSearch
122 HelmutWeick
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Jan 2012 58837 257 0 40791 WebIndex
2709 WebHome
1192 WikiUsers
561 WebSearch
453 WikiGroups
292 NustarDaqGroup
292 WebRss
265 AlbertoPullia
233 WebPreferences
217 AliNajafi
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254 WikiGuest
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Dec 2011 180946 290 0 10229 WebHome
9717 WebIndex
6009 WikiUsers
4577 ExlGuest
4460 FelixWamers
4379 WikiGroups
4192 EijaTuominen
3370 DieterAckermann
3369 ChiaraNociforo
3025 EleonoraGregor
2934 DominicRossi
254 WikiGuest
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Nov 2011 207184 262 0 14015 WikiUsers
8773 WebHome
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6864 PeterThoeny
6153 WebIndex
4871 WikiGuest
4410 WebChanges
3914 AdminGroup
3078 Macros
2551 AlfredoEstrade
254 WikiGuest
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Oct 2011 77794 183 0 23098 ChristophorKozhuharov
18290 ChristopherTownsley
4889 WikiUsers
2741 WebSearch
2353 WikiGroups
1931 WebHome
1900 WebIndex
1321 ChristosKaragiannis
1223 WebChanges
1135 PeterThoeny
883 WikiGuest
158 WikiGuest
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Sep 2011 74324 176 0 19286 ChristophorKozhuharov
15252 ChristopherTownsley
11009 WikiGroups
6116 WebIndex
5811 WikiUsers
4754 WebChanges
3741 ChristosKaragiannis
894 WebTopicList
765 WebSearch
566 WebStatistics
543 WebHome
160 WikiGuest
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Aug 2011 49921 197 0 11862 WebIndex
11444 WikiGroups
5660 WebChanges
4970 WikiUsers
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894 WebTopicList
609 WikiGuest
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470 WebStatistics
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277 WebRss
184 WikiGuest
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Jul 2011 72541 152 0 19532 WebIndex
5255 WebHome
2081 WikiGroups
1935 WikiUsers
895 PeterThoeny
879 WikiGuest
693 WebSearch
660 OfficeLocations
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535 NustarWikiIntroduction
427 AdminGroup
136 WikiGuest
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Jun 2011 47528 119 0 9017 WebIndex
2348 WikiGroups
2324 WikiUsers
1918 WebChanges
1143 WebHome
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573 WikiGuest
534 PeterThoeny
337 WebPreferences
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308 WebRss
110 WikiGuest
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May 2011 8859 11 0 676 WebHome
468 WikiUsers
395 WikiGuest
308 WebSearch
264 WebChanges
247 WikiGroups
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236 PeterThoeny
213 WebIndex
152 OfficeLocations
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Apr 2011 25360 15 0 1548 WikiUsers
1276 WebHome
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1014 WikiGuest
883 WebChanges
826 WebSearch
641 WebPreferences
563 WebIndex
556 PeterThoeny
554 OfficeLocations
323 HansEssel
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Mar 2011 32383 23 0 2155 WikiUsers
1957 WebHome
1154 WebIndex
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1010 WikiGuest
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810 OfficeLocations
643 WebPreferences
530 PeterThoeny
453 HelmutWeick
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Feb 2011 116448 77 0 7762 WikiUsers
5537 WebHome
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3549 WebChanges
3464 WebIndex
3319 WebSearch
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1862 PeterThoeny
1330 HelmutWeick
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Jan 2011 14643 4 0 1085 WebHome
908 WikiUsers
509 WikiGuest
485 WikiGroups
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181 PeterThoeny
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Dec 2010 3058 74 0 671 WebRss
651 WebHome
124 WikiUsers
117 WikiGroups
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 54 WebChanges
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 37 OfficeLocations
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Nov 2010 2313 47 0 777 WebHome
223 WikiUsers
161 WebRss
122 WikiGroups
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 54 OlofTengblad
 42 NustarR3BGroup
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 28 GuillermoRibeiro
 28 OfficeLocations
 22 WikiGuest
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  8 OlofTengblad
  6 MarcLabiche
  2 ChristopherHuhn
Oct 2010 2721 71 0 844 WebHome
182 WikiUsers
154 WikiGroups
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 46 WebChanges
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 45 HansEssel
 43 WebIndex
 39 NustarDaqGroup
 37 WebSearch
 33 NustarSimulationGroup
 34 WikiGuest
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Sep 2010 2395 46 0 665 WebHome
163 WikiUsers
137 NustarFrsGroup
 78 WikiGroups
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 50 WebIndex
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 34 ChiaraNociforo
 31 HelmutWeick
 31 WikiGuest
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 26 WikiGuest
 10 HelmutWeick
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  2 CesarDomingo
  1 AlfredoEstrade
  1 HansEssel
Aug 2010 1802 16 0 402 WebHome
 97 WebChanges
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 29 WebRss
 25 ThomasFaestermann
 24 HeinrichWortche
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 16 WikiGuest
Jul 2010 6459 9 0 573 WebHome
387 WikiUsers
337 WebIndex
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195 WebStatistics
165 WebPreferences
154 PeterThoeny
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Jun 2010 17042 4 0 1413 WikiUsers
1166 WebChanges
944 WebStatistics
856 Macros
814 WebRss
807 GroupTemplate
806 WebHome
755 DidierBeaumel
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May 2010 16404 57 0 2414 WikiUsers
1879 WebIndex
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380 WikiGroups
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Apr 2010 25118 68 0 3855 WikiUsers
2461 WebIndex
1339 WebHome
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805 WebRss
793 GroupTemplate
783 JoernAdamczewski
574 WebSearch
564 NustarWikiIntroduction
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Mar 2010 17061 36 0 2223 WebIndex
1356 PeterThoeny
1208 WebChanges
1074 WikiGroups
946 WebHome
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787 WikiUsers
675 WebStatistics
491 WebRss
432 Macros
337 WikiGuest
 36 WikiGuest
Feb 2010 7144 36 0 896 WebIndex
645 WebHome
532 WikiUsers
516 WebChanges
396 HansEssel
355 WebStatistics
336 WebRss
261 Macros
197 PeterThoeny
183 WikiGroups
181 NustarWikiIntroduction
 28 WikiGuest
  5 HansEssel
  2 AliNajafi
  1 TestUser
Jan 2010 20811 18 0 3799 WikiUsers
2534 WebChanges
2224 WebIndex
1096 WebStatistics
981 WebHome
740 Macros
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592 NustarWikiIntroduction
580 GroupTemplate
571 PeterThoeny
504 WikiGroups
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Dec 2009 8114 27 0 976 WebChanges
923 WebHome
850 WebIndex
696 WikiUsers
324 WebStatistics
212 OfficeLocations
174 WikiGroups
169 WebSearch
165 NustarDaqGroup
154 NustarWikiIntroduction
142 EXLEditorGroup
 22 WikiGuest
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  2 HaikSimon
Nov 2009 10837 18 0 2232 PeterThoeny
1337 WebIndex
979 WebChanges
757 WikiGroups
607 WebHome
368 WebStatistics
278 WikiUsers
262 WebRss
253 WebSearch
242 GroupTemplate
234 Macros
 18 WikiGuest
Oct 2009 10710 17 0 1285 WebIndex
938 WebHome
824 WebChanges
599 WikiUsers
402 WebStatistics
351 WikiGroups
338 OfficeLocations
330 WebRss
318 Macros
306 WikiGuest
292 WebSearch
 10 WikiGuest
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  3 AliNajafi
Sep 2009 5838 0 0 618 WebIndex
617 WebHome
474 WebChanges
443 WebStatistics
321 WikiUsers
212 Macros
151 OfficeLocations
150 NustarDaqGroup
148 NustarWikiIntroduction
141 WebRss
139 WebSearch
Aug 2009 6088 0 0 555 WebIndex
482 WebStatistics
461 WebChanges
441 WebHome
315 Macros
224 WikiUsers
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168 OfficeLocations
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145 NustarDaqGroup
Jul 2009 7268 0 0 904 OfficeLocations
648 WebHome
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306 WikiUsers
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159 WebNotify
155 AdminGroup
Jun 2009 7595 2 0 1009 PeterThoeny
632 WebHome
417 WebSearch
345 WebStatistics
335 WikiUsers
249 WikiGroups
240 WebChanges
220 WikiGuest
189 HansEssel
187 WebIndex
175 AdminGroup
  2 WikiGuest
May 2009 7308 2 0 1010 WebIndex
892 WebChanges
432 WebStatistics
418 WebHome
291 Macros
289 WebRss
237 WikiUsers
226 GroupTemplate
212 BrunoRaine
204 SergioBrambilla
193 ChristophScheidenberger
  2 WikiGuest
Apr 2009 11630 0 0 1478 WebIndex
1088 WebChanges
952 WebStatistics
684 IsmaelMartel
656 Macros
489 WebHome
461 WebRss
396 GroupTemplate
376 NustarWikiIntroduction
288 WikiUsers
207 HelmutWeick
Mar 2009 9693 0 0 991 WebHome
806 WebChanges
649 WebStatistics
384 IsmaelMartel
311 ChristophorKozhuharov
307 WikiUsers
306 NustarWikiIntroduction
303 WebRss
300 HaikSimon
295 Macros
268 WebIndex
Feb 2009 8336 0 0 1319 WikiUsers
917 WebIndex
703 WebHome
557 WebStatistics
404 WebChanges
319 WebPreferences
275 WebRss
225 NustarWikiIntroduction
205 Macros
176 IsmaelMartel
162 GroupTemplate
Jan 2009 8197 0 0 769 WebStatistics
749 WebHome
687 WebChanges
444 WikiUsers
350 WikiGuest
255 Macros
253 WebIndex
226 WebRss
217 PeterThoeny
210 WebPreferences
203 NustarWikiIntroduction
Dec 2008 13214 0 0 2109 WebChanges
1244 WebIndex
1096 WebStatistics
836 WebHome
725 WebRss
597 Macros
576 WikiGroups
536 GroupTemplate
475 NustarWikiIntroduction
392 WikiUsers
260 WikiGuest
Nov 2008 11149 0 0 2014 WebChanges
1002 WebStatistics
840 WebHome
750 Macros
616 GroupTemplate
597 WebRss
494 NustarWikiIntroduction
464 WikiUsers
434 WebIndex
302 WikiGuest
210 OfficeLocations
Oct 2008 9777 0 0 1101 WebIndex
993 WebStatistics
812 WebHome
496 WebChanges
473 WikiUsers
464 WebRss
367 WikiGuest
346 OfficeLocations
341 GroupTemplate
340 Macros
307 WikiGroups
Sep 2008 11343 0 0 2283 WebStatistics
1044 WebRss
982 WebChanges
850 Macros
645 WebIndex
645 GroupTemplate
476 LondonOffice
472 NustarWikiIntroduction
423 WebHome
332 WikiGuest
323 WikiUsers
Aug 2008 15103 10 0 2079 WebStatistics
1899 WebIndex
1500 WebRss
1258 WikiGroups
1087 WebChanges
1031 Macros
619 WebHome
597 NustarWikiIntroduction
352 ChristophScheidenberger
344 WikiUsers
335 ThomasFaestermann
  8 WikiGuest
  2 ChristophorKozhuharov
Jul 2008 16286 4 0 2605 WebStatistics
1980 WebChanges
1814 WebIndex
1704 WebRss
1274 Macros
816 WebHome
694 NustarWikiIntroduction
473 GroupTemplate
462 WikiUsers
357 WikiGuest
353 PeterThoeny
  2 WikiGuest
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Jun 2008 12402 0 0 2150 WebStatistics
1303 WebChanges
1005 GroupTemplate
916 WebIndex
852 WebRss
770 Macros
593 WebHome
512 NustarWikiIntroduction
329 WikiUsers
278 MatjazVencelj
231 WikiGuest
May 2008 15535 0 0 3044 WebIndex
1661 WebStatistics
1347 WebChanges
878 WebHome
777 Macros
715 GroupTemplate
686 WebRss
598 WikiUsers
594 NustarWikiIntroduction
354 WikiGroups
344 OfficeLocations
Apr 2008 9488 3 0 1271 WebStatistics
1084 WebChanges
826 WebIndex
593 WebHome
576 WebRss
416 WikiUsers
415 WikiGroups
375 GroupTemplate
277 Macros
226 NustarWikiIntroduction
217 WebPreferences
  2 WikiGuest
  1 HansEssel
Mar 2008 10246 0 0 1080 WebChanges
1011 WebIndex
961 WebRss
954 WebStatistics
636 Macros
621 WebHome
597 GroupTemplate
382 WikiUsers
356 NustarWikiIntroduction
209 NustarPictures
197 WikiGroups
Feb 2008 14556 4 0 1354 WikiUsers
1169 WebStatistics
1122 WebChanges
1059 Macros
874 WebIndex
874 WebRss
688 GroupTemplate
514 WebHome
455 NustarWikiIntroduction
442 WebTopicList
272 ChristophorKozhuharov
  2 WikiGuest
  2 ChristophorKozhuharov
Jan 2008 20636 14 0 2374 WebChanges
1911 WebIndex
1135 WebStatistics
903 Macros
742 WebRss
709 GroupTemplate
699 WebHome
448 WikiUsers
439 NustarWikiIntroduction
437 NustarDaqGroup
401 WikiGuest
 12 WikiGuest
  2 HaikSimon
Dec 2007 20236 24 1 2052 WebIndex
1596 WebStatistics
1428 WebChanges
1131 Macros
1082 GroupTemplate
1013 WebRss
857 WebHome
584 WikiUsers
532 NustarWikiIntroduction
395 WikiGroups
391 AdminGroup
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Nov 2007 20319 2 0 1695 WebStatistics
1501 WebChanges
1469 WebIndex
1393 WebHome
878 WikiUsers
859 Macros
685 GroupTemplate
669 PeterThoeny
605 WikiGroups
600 OfficeLocations
599 WebRss
  2 WikiGuest
Oct 2007 7773 11 0 614 WebIndex
581 WebHome
383 WikiUsers
382 WebChanges
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358 AdminGroup
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301 WikiGuest
294 PeterThoeny
234 WebSearch
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Sep 2007 6068 0 0 476 WebHome
362 WebChanges
360 OfficeLocations
347 WebIndex
337 WikiGuest
320 PeterThoeny
312 WikiUsers
299 WikiGroups
258 WebPreferences
252 NustarDaqGroup
230 SanJoseOffice
Aug 2007 4189 58 2 612 WebHome
476 WebRss
266 WikiUsers
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200 NustarDaqGroup
197 OfficeLocations
141 WebIndex
139 WebChanges
124 PeterThoeny
119 AdminGroup
 46 HansEssel
 12 WikiGuest
  2 HaikSimon
Aug 2004 65 8 0   8 WikiGroups
  7 WebPreferences
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  4 GroupTemplate
  3 WebStatistics
  3 WebHome
  3 WebNotify
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  3 WebChanges
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 PeterThoeny
  7 PeterThoeny
  1 ArthurClemens

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