Electronics design and developments * VA TA_ASIC_PCB.pdf: Drawing of ASIC board * report_PSchakel.docx: Status report and plans for Si readout by Peter Sch...
The EXL publications in journals: * First feasibility study for EXL with prototype detectors at the ESR and detector simulations, N. Kalantar Nayestanaki, et a...
EXL mechanical design and develoments * 310039100_BINDER.pdf: Test setup with small detector. March 2011 * 310039200_BINDER.pdf: Test setup with real size d...
Minutes or summary of EXL related work meetings * Minutes_VC_261011.docx: Minutes of the GSI KVI VC, 26 10 2011 * Minutes_VC_141211.docx: Minutes of the VC ...
Posters presented at conferences, schools and etc.: * EXL_poster_CR2.ppt: The EXL experiment at FAIR, C. Rigollet * NPA_IV5.ppt: Alpha branching ratio at th...
Presentations presented at conferences, meetings and etc.: * NuSTARmeeting_0908.pdf: The Status of EXL, N. Kalantar * streicher_STORI11.pdf: Implementation ...
Testing and Results * EXL_chamber_vacuum_test.pdf: EXL chamber vacuum test 2008 * Pumpingspeed.pdf: Pumping speed test at GSI * Downstream_PIN_det.pdf: P...
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2012 Work Plans for E105 experiment at the ESR * TopicsforpreparationoftheEXLexperiment.doc: Task list for preparation of EXL experiments * Vacuum_WP.pdf: W...