As Haik mentioned in the email you received, in order to discuss the details of the triggers, it would be good to have a spokeperson for each subsystem. This page should summarise the names of the people in charge.

Subsystem Spokeperson DAQ/RO spokeperson
FRS Detector H. Simon H. Simon
Incoming beam ?? ??
Si tracking R. Lemmon I.Lazarus
Califa D. Cortina T. Le Bleis
Drift chamber ?? ??
ToF walls ?? ??
NeuLAND K. Boretzky ??
LENA ?? ??

Please note that this table is incomplete because both names and subsystems are missing or not precise enough. Don't hesitate to update the information it contains.

-- TudiLeBleis - 14 Jan 2011
Topic revision: r2 - 2011-02-07, IanLazarus
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