Foswiki's EXL web The web for users, groups and offices. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2025 by contributing authors Nustar Wiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of Foswiki Foswiki Powered by Foswiki, The Free and Open Source Wiki.EXL /pub/System/WebRssBase/GSIlogosmall.gif MechanicalDesignAndDevelopments EXL mechanical design and develoments * 310039100_BINDER.pdf: Test setup with small detector. March 2011 * 310039200_BINDER.pdf: Test setup with real size d... (last changed by MichelLindemulder) 2013-09-17T14:05:55+02:00 MichelLindemulder Presentaions Presentations presented at conferences, meetings and etc.: * NuSTARmeeting_0908.pdf: The Status of EXL, N. Kalantar * streicher_STORI11.pdf: Implementation ... (last changed by JuanCarlosZamora) 2013-03-29T15:37:40+01:00 JuanCarlosZamora Meetings Minutes or summary of EXL related work meetings * Minutes_VC_261011.docx: Minutes of the GSI KVI VC, 26 10 2011 * Minutes_VC_141211.docx: Minutes of the VC ... (last changed by SantoshRoy) 2012-08-23T11:21:51+02:00 SantoshRoy Reports Reports of EXL related work meetings * resonance width.tiff: Question on the resolution for giant resonances (last changed by NasserKalantar) 2012-06-19T13:26:38+02:00 NasserKalantar TestingAndResults Testing and Results * EXL_chamber_vacuum_test.pdf: EXL chamber vacuum test 2008 * Pumpingspeed.pdf: Pumping speed test at GSI * Downstream_PIN_det.pdf: P... (last changed by BranislavS) 2012-05-30T14:52:13+02:00 BranislavS Simulations Reports, talks, news about simulations * Intrernal Note "Geometry of the EXL silicon recoil detector" A.Zalite, Yu. Zalite * aperture_simu... (last changed by SantoshRoy) 2012-05-03T10:53:40+02:00 SantoshRoy ElectronicsDesignAndDevelopments Electronics design and developments * VA TA_ASIC_PCB.pdf: Drawing of ASIC board * report_PSchakel.docx: Status report and plans for Si readout by Peter Sch... (last changed by CatherineRigollet) 2012-03-19T10:26:43+01:00 CatherineRigollet SiLi Nustar Nustar Nustar Nustar Nustar (last changed by BranislavS) 2012-03-14T19:16:16+01:00 BranislavS WorkPlan 2012 Work Plans for E105 experiment at the ESR * TopicsforpreparationoftheEXLexperiment.doc: Task list for preparation of EXL experiments * Vacuum_WP.pdf: W... (last changed by BranislavS) 2012-03-14T19:15:49+01:00 BranislavS JournalPublications The EXL publications in journals: * First feasibility study for EXL with prototype detectors at the ESR and detector simulations, N. Kalantar Nayestanaki, et a... (last changed by BranislavS) 2012-01-10T18:45:38+01:00 BranislavS Posters Posters presented at conferences, schools and etc.: * EXL_poster_CR2.ppt: The EXL experiment at FAIR, C. Rigollet * NPA_IV5.ppt: Alpha branching ratio at th... (last changed by BranislavS) 2012-01-10T18:38:49+01:00 BranislavS MinutesOfTheCollaborationBoard Minutes of the Collaboration Board * Minutes EXL CB 201011.doc: Minutes EXL CB, Bucharest, 20 10 2011 * Minutes EXL CB 051010.doc: Minutes EXL CB, Lund, 05 ... (last changed by CatherineRigollet) 2011-11-07T10:35:21+01:00 CatherineRigollet EXLExperimentsAtESR EXL experiment at ESR * ESRexperiments_b.docx: Upcoming EXL experiments at ESR (last changed by CatherineRigollet) 2011-11-03T13:03:55+01:00 CatherineRigollet EXL-typeExperimentsAtTheESR EXL type experiments at the ESR * ESRexperiments.docx: Short report on two ESR upcoming experiments 03 11 2011 (last changed by CatherineRigollet) 2011-11-03T11:11:14+01:00 CatherineRigollet Documentation Domumentation on next ESR experiment (30 31 May 2011) * to do list and who's doing what (last changed by CatherineRigollet) 2011-04-06T12:44:25+02:00 CatherineRigollet WebLeftBar * Welcome * Register * Nustar Webs * Nustar Web * EXL Web Home * EXL editor group * Changes * Changes detailed * Topic list * Search ... (last changed by HelmutWeick) 2011-02-04T15:31:29+01:00 HelmutWeick

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