Foswiki's DAQ web
The web for users, groups and offices. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.en-usCopyright 2025 by contributing authorsNustar Wiki Administrator []The contributing authors of FoswikiFoswikiPowered by Foswiki, The Free and Open Source Wiki.DAQ
DAQ Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the DAQ web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be overwritten... (last changed by HelmutWeick)2015-03-23T15:21:31+01:00HelmutWeickR3BSpokepersons
As Haik mentioned in the email you received, in order to discuss the details of the triggers, it would be good to have a spokeperson for each subsystem. This page... (last changed by IanLazarus)2011-02-07T18:19:05+01:00IanLazarusWebLeftBar
* Welcome * Register * Nustar Webs * Nustar Web * DAQ Web Home * DAQ group * Modified * Topic list * Search * Left bar * Notify me (last changed by HelmutWeick)2011-02-04T15:44:11+01:00HelmutWeickSgfdcLjubljanaMay2008
Programme available at http://freedac 2008 pollacco.pdf: FREEDAC introduction High Dynamic Range * ASIC_Preamp_for_Ge_detectors_May0... (last changed by MatjazVencelj)2008-06-06T17:04:23+02:00MatjazVenceljPresentationArchive
Workshop presentations SGFDC Workshop, Groningen, December 12 14, 2007 Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI) University of Groningen Note: Uploading documents... (last changed by MatjazVencelj)2008-02-29T10:49:49+01:00MatjazVenceljLegnaroTalks
Talks in Legnaro Enter here by Attach Image or Document your talks. In the Menu you must enter a comment and switch on the Link button. We recommend also to swit... (last changed by HaikSimon)2008-01-07T10:17:27+01:00HaikSimonHuelvaTalks
Talks in Huelva 2007 Enter here by Attach Image or Document your talks. In the Menu you must enter a comment and switch on the Link button. We recommend also to ... (last changed by HaikSimon)2008-01-07T10:04:01+01:00HaikSimonFgfdcGroningenDec2007
Workshop SGFDC Workshop, Groningen, December 12 14, 2007 Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI) University of Groningen * 6.12. Participants * 6.12. Prog... (last changed by HansEssel)2007-12-10T21:12:01+01:00HansEsselMinutesRaine
DAQ systems for Nustar (Discussion) The main idea we can extract from the discussion is that it is difficult to have a unique DAQ system, but it is important to d... (last changed by HansEssel)2007-08-29T13:05:53+02:00HansEsselMinutesDaqSystems
Minutes about DAQ systems * Bruno Raine Main.HansEssel 02 Aug 2007 (last changed by BrunoRaine)2007-08-28T14:21:26+02:00BrunoRaineHuelvaMinutes
Minutes of the Huelva meeting * Hans Essel * DAQ systems Main.HansEssel 02 Aug 2007 (last changed by HansEssel)2007-08-28T11:35:55+02:00HansEsselMinutesEssel
Some personal minutes Really only buzz words, but I hope the order of the talks is correct. If I missed, misunderstood, or mispelled anything, feel free to correc... (last changed by HansEssel)2007-08-28T09:42:35+02:00HansEsselWebNotify
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this DAQ web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come... (last changed by PeterZumbruch)2007-08-27T13:22:12+02:00PeterZumbruchFgfdcHuelvaJul2007
Fgfdc workshop Huelva Jul2007 * JRA_FP7_SGFDC.doc: JRA_FP7_SGFDC * Networking_FP7_SPFDG.doc: Networking_FP7_FGFDC * ProgramHuelva.doc: Workshop program ... (last changed by HansEssel)2007-08-07T19:11:18+02:00HansEsselFgfdcLegnaroJan2007
Fgfdc Workshop Legnaro Jan2007 LegnaroTalks Main.HansEssel 02 Aug 2007 (last changed by HansEssel)2007-08-02T19:21:06+02:00HansEsselWebTopicEditTemplate
Main.HansEssel 02 Aug 2007 (last changed by HansEssel)2007-08-02T17:50:22+02:00HansEssel
This topic: DAQ > WebRss
Topic revision: 2004-08-16, PeterThoeny